Parts and Accessories

Please contact 1-800-934-9690 to order Parts and Accessories.

Part NumberComponent DescriptionList price
3628Solenoid Valve LPGDiscontinued use p/n 3760
10763/8" LPG Modulating Gas Valve Assy. with coil$203.50
1103Modulating Valve Coil$77.50
2956Modulating valve assembly without coil$126.00
1329Thermistor Harness$20.68
1330Flowmeter Assy$176.00
1331Power supply harness$45.00
1375Pressure Relief Valve$51.00
1412Ignition Cable$38.50
1435Heat Exchanger AssyDiscontinued
1436Thermistor Assy T-In$36.00
1437Thermistor Assy T-Out$36.00
1564-2RV500 doors (white)$102.00
2900RV 500 Wind Fan$55.00
1829DSI Harness$22.20
2000Six Mag Rotor for RV Flowmeter$45.36
2001Plastic cover for RV Flowmeter$49.50
2002O ring for RV Flowmeter$6.00
2003Shaft for RV Flowmeter$10.80
2008Thermistor Assy T-Mid$59.40
2451Exhaust BlowerDiscontinued (Use Part Number 3333)
3438Pressure Switch$49.50
3369DSI Ignition Board, includes adapter # 3739Discontinued use p/n 3756
3189RV500 Wiring Harness Assy.Discontinued
3190ShowerMate Wiring Harness Assy.Discontinued
3333Power Vent Exhaust Blower $195.00
3333-KBlower Conversion Kit (blower, step-up, relay & harness)$345.00
1841-RVControl Board w/chipDiscontinued
9049FProgrammed Chip for RV-500Discontinued
3760Solenoid Valve LPG$132.00
3756Ignition Control Board (DSI board)$185.00
3739DSI adapter Flat edge to pin connector
3743Control Board $285.00
**Prices subject to change without notice 11/2022**

Part NumberComponent DescriptionList Price
1315Burner AssemblyDiscontinued
1436In Thermistor 550EC$36.00
1437Out Thermistor 550EC$36.00
3728Mid Thermistor 550EC$59.40
1841-RVControl Board 550ECDiscontinued use p/n 3743
1375Pressure Relief Valve$51.00
3381Modulating Valve 550Discontinued
3628LPG Solenoid Valve Discontinued use p/n 3760
3366Flexible Gas Line 550Discontinued
3545Water Inlet Tube 550Discontinued
3223Gas Inlet Tube 550Discontinued
3369Ignition Control ModuleDiscontinued use p/n 3756
3503Flue Outlet ScreenDiscontinued
3521Flue TubeDiscontinued
3438Pressure Switch$49.50
3333Power Vent Blower$195.00
3388Heat ExchangerDiscontinued
3240Freeze Protection heat Pad Kit$135.00
3309Ignition Cable$32.50
3328Electrode / Igniter$19.25
3362Wiring Harness 550 & NSPDiscontinued
3365Freeze Protection Switch 550$32.40
343312-15 vDC Voltage Regulator$129.60
3446KWhite Door$102.00
3531KUnpainted Aluminum Door$93.50
3734KBlack door$102.00
3760LP Gas Solenoid Valve $132.00
1103Modulating Valve Coil $77.50
2956Modulating valve assembly without coil$126.00
1076Modulating gas valve 550EC$203.50
3670NSP-EC wiring harness$102.00
3671550-EC wiring harness$102.00
1329Thermistor Harness 550EC$20.68
1329SThermistor Harness NSPEC$20.68
3743Control Board $285.00
3756Ignition Control Board (DSI board)$185.00
3693Heat Exchanger (EC only)$265.00
3713Flowmeter Assembly (with 3 pin plug connector)$49.50
3673Flowmeter (without 3 pin plug connector)$40.80
**Prices subject to change without notice 10/2023**

Part NumberComponent DescriptionList Price
3628TwinTemp Gas Solenoid LPGDiscontinued use p/n 3760
10763/8" LPG Modulating Gas Valve Assy. with coil$203.50
1103Modulating Valve Coil$77.50
2956Modulating valve assembly without coil$126.00
1411Spark Ignition Probe 2004 thru 7/2014 Discontinued
3328Spark Ignition Probe 8/1/2014 & newer model new style$19.25
1412Wire, Ignition Cable $38.50
3309Ignition wire ( black)$32.50
1437T-out Thermister (red wires) $36.00
1495Thermistor Wiring Harness$35.95
1749Bimetal ECO 1/8" NPT @ 220° F +/- 7 auto reset at 170° F$42.50
1829DSI Wiring Harness$22.20
3728Mid Thermistor assembly , models after 7/29/2014$59.40
3207Assembly T-Mid (Yellow wire) prior to 7/29/2014$59.40
2123Tempering valve w/flanges all models prior to 3/2007Discontinued
2162200 deg. Bimetal tank Thermostat (Electric Elements)Discontinued
2248Electric Heating Element$62.00
2271“C” model TT tank AssemblyDiscontinued
2451Power Vent Blower Motor Assy. Kit Discontinued
246415 Amp Circuit BreakerDiscontinued
2558Room Thermostat / wall mountDiscontinued
2559190 deg. Bimetal tank Thermostat (Used thru 6/2009)$58.00
2582Bleeder ValveDiscontinued
2582Air bleeder ventDiscontinued
2735Magnetic Drive Pump Brushless 12 VDC Refer to P/N 3650
2737Summer/Winter ball valve$90.00
27481/2 Heater Hose ElbowDiscontinued
2751On/Off switch TT2 & Jr.$13.00
2838Low profile secondary liquid to air heat exchangers w/ two fans$185.00
2932Heat Exchanger (Specify'G', 'F' or 'C' model) Discontinued
2298Heat exchanger TT2 & Jr.Discontinued
2940Pressure Switch, .1 WCI VacuumDiscontinued refer to p/n 3438
2942Complete wire harness for TT-2 & JR$195.00
2950220 deg. Switch, High Limit, Manual Reset (used w/Electric element)$75.00
298410vDC blower voltage regulatorDiscontinued
3012Complete wire harness for TT-JuniorDiscontinued
1315Burner Assembly Discontinued
30337 psi Radiator Cap$11.75
3121Liquid to air heat exchanger with one fan$105.00
3122Liquid to air heat exchanger with one fan and thermostat$130.00
3128Tempering Valve ( shark bite fittings )$295.00
3369DSI Ignition Board,incl adapt# 3739Discontinued use p/n 3756
3227Pressure Relief Valve 3/4 npt set @ 30 psi$56.00
3246Retro Fit "C" model pump kitDiscontinued
3264185 deg.Tank Thermostat Retrofit Kit includes relay (replaces P/N 2559)$100.00
3328Electrode / igniter (8/2014 and newer)$19.25
3333Power Vent Exhaust Blower
3333-KBlower Conversion Kit (blower, step-up, relay & harness)$345.00
3438Pressure Switch, .1 WCI Vacuum$49.50
3471Tank Thermostat & Electric ele. Thermostat switch ECO 185 degree$55.00
3471&3461185 deg. Bimetal tank Thermostat ECO Retro kit (replaces p/n 2559) $65.00
3497TwinTemp Jr. SS tank Assy. Complete$1,950.00
3499TwinTemp 2 SS tank Assy. Complete$2,275.00
3650Drive Pump$169.50
3722Modualting Valve Coil$64.00
9098Micro processor software chip Discontinued
1841-TTControl Board & Microprocessor for TwinTempDiscontinued use p/n 3743
2004&2005On/Off switch w/cover “C” model TwinTempDiscontinued
26343 way valve for hot and cold water lines$65.00
3760LP Gas Solenoid Valve $132.00
3756Ignition Control Board (DSI board)$185.00
3739DSI adapter Flat edge to pin connector $15.40
3743Control Board $285.00
3693TTHeat Exchanger TT2 & JR$325.00
**Prices subject to change without notice 11/2022**