Prepare for Winter and Don’t Forget Your Water Heater
Winter can be fun if you’re a skier or a polar bear, but can brutal to your water heater. Don’t let your water heater freeze. Ice is a force of nature and can destroy unprotected equipment. Don’t be caught by an early freeze. Although PrecisionTemp heaters have the best freeze protection of any products in the industry, proper procedures must be followed to insure complete protection.
* If you are a full timer and use you heater all year round be sure to keep your heater’s 12 volt power and gas supply turned on to utilize its built in freeze protection.
* When on the road and can’t have the gas turned on you must drain your heater in freezing weather. This is simple. Open the pressure relief valve and your highest hot and cold water tap to drain the heater. When you are ready to use the heater again, close the pressure relief valve and turn on the water.
* To winterize the water system for the winter season, non-toxic RV winterizing antifreeze can be used. When the pink antifreeze flows from the hot water faucet, your heater is protected. Heater can also be drained as seen in the link below. Have great winter!